July 7, 2010

My Basty Is 4

My little boy just turned 4 a few days ago. He is really a huge fan of Ben 10.
Weeks before the celebration, i was already preparing and buying  stuffs
                  for his party. And of course, his cake. Was really researching hard because i wanted
his cake to not only look good but also taste good.
I`ve come up with so many options to choose from.
The famous Red Ribbon, Goldilocks, and the local bakeshops. They
all have their own unique creations and styles.

In the end, i ended up with a home-based cakeshop. I told them that i wanted chocolate
moist cake for the entire birthday cake. I gave them the idea of what the cake should look like.

I was so happy because they didn`t fail me. :-)

1 comment:

Josiet said...

Nice Cake! I wish I could find someone who can make a cake like that here. Last year for EJ's birthday, his cake was a disaster. Belated happy birthday again to your lil boy and props to you for all your preps =)