June 3, 2010

Make The World A Better Place

Did you ever think how the world would be if you just do one good deed each day?

I`ve thought about it and made a commitment. Each day, just one good deed.

Big or small, it doesn`t matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane...it doesn`t matter.

...Say for instance, being kind to whoever you deal with throughout the day.

...Smile at the grocery cashier, even if she`s taking forever.

...Calling your mom and telling her you love her.

...Let one person ahead of you in: a long queue, a traffic lane, parking space,

grocery check out etc.

...Say hello and goodmorning to people you meet on the streets.

...Be a good neighbor.

...Call your wife/husband in the office just to say you are thinking about


These are only few of the things that we can do.

Only one good deed each day, that`s all.

For sure, we can make the world a better place!


Omnipotent Observer said...

Wow, I like this idea. And how about if everyone who received such a good deed commited to do a similar thing to a complete stranger. The world would begin to be a better place to live in.

Consistently Grateful said...

You got it right! (omnipotent observer) :-) thank you for dropping by!

Liza said...

ur right on! wouldn't the world be a much better place is we just do one small good deed everyday..

its one of my lifelong resolutions na maging nice though sometimes i must admit, i get impatient with some things and tend to be snappy.. but definitely working on it =)

ur doin great with this blog, jonna and i <3 that photo of you below..its looks a bit whimsy..

Consistently Grateful said...

Thanks, Lui. That`s three of us already who think the same about making the world a better place. *_*