June 17, 2010

Be Kind First: Thought For Today

Above all else, im doing my best to adopt an attitude
of kindness. *_*
Making it my highest priority to practice it everyday.
Each and everyone of us can do this.
Start at home---in your relationship.

Kindness is one of the primary ingredients in nourishing
a warm feeling between two people. Infact, it can be the centerpiece
of your entire relationship. It does everything from keeping you
close and connected when all is well, to keeping arguments from turning
into fights.

Being genuinely kind is not about smiling when you feel like you don`t
like it or acting cheerful when you are low.
Rather it`s about treating your partner (and everyone else) the way you
would like to be treated.

It`s been said many times that in life, we teach people how to treat us.
It`s certainly true that the best way to teach others (including our partners)
that we would like to be treated with kindness is by offering
kindness first. Indeed, kindness is extremely contagious.

And kindness, practiced on a daily basis, is one of the key ingredients to
nourishing our relationships for a lifetime.

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